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The Nation's Leader in Quality Book Binding
& Post Press Services Since 1985

2 Nashua Court, Baltimore, MD 21221


History Factory 2nd project (5)When it comes to helping people give the gift of a custom book, we at Advantage book binding are more than happy to help in any way we can. Showcased in this blog is one of our recent projects. We present to you a hand crafted, deeply personalized book that was given as a retirement gift. Each element of the project was Book and box was custom designed in a light grey, Cialux cloth that brings both a comforting and professional display to the project. Let’s dive into this custom book project in more detail! Read more »


reading Whether you are teacher or a parent, or even just a concerned citizen, you may be wondering how you can help young people cultivate an interest in reading. It can be hard to explain the merit of something that you already love so much, but that’s why we’re here to help you. We’re going to be going over some great ways to help a child or even an adult learn to love reading. Let’s dive in. Read more »


bookWhen you invest in a new book project with us, we want you to be able to keep that beautiful book in your life forever. Even the most durable binding solutions will require some tender love and care to keep them looking and feeling their best. Today we’re going to go over proper book handling and storage so that you can ensure a long life for your new book. Let’s take a look. Read more »


libraries Libraries are a wondrous place of literature, learning, and good old fashioned research. They are the places that many of us go when we need to rediscover our love for reading, though naysayers have been foretelling their end for decades. “Why would someone go to the library when they can download all the books they need right at home?” Well, the answer is simple: Libraries offer much more than simple books you can get on Amazon. They offer a whole host of rare and valuable materials. Read more »


portfolio If you’re a photographer, or you hope to be one in the future, you need a portfolio to showcase your work. To create the perfect photography portfolio, you’ll need to pick out your strongest work and then figure out how to make those pieces even better. Today we’re going to be talking about how you can put together an amazing photography portfolio with incredible binding solutions. Let’s take a look. Read more »


mechanical binding Depending on your book project, there are binding solutions that will fit your needs. Though Smyth sewn books are beautiful and strong, sometimes something from the mechanical family of binding simply works out better. Today we’re going to be talking through some of the mechanical binding options and what they can be used for. Ready to jump in? Let’s get started. Read more »


What’s on the outside of your text book is just as important as what’s on the inside!

Whether you’re an accomplished professor or simply an expert in your field, you could produce an incredible textbook filled with startling facts. However, if you want consumers to get excited about your book when they see it on the shelf, you need to up your game. Today we’re going to be talking about how you can make your next text book a sophisticated read on the outside. Let’s jump in. Read more »


film laminateBooks are often met with a lot of hardship. Being left out in the sun, storage, and other common practices can leave your precious books in disarray. So, how can you ensure that the beautiful book you’ve invested in will be protected down the line? Using the power of dust jackets, UV coatings, and film laminate, you can help to keep it safe. Today we’re going to be talking about some of the different options for book protection and what you can expect from each of them. Let’s get started. Read more »


sewn bindings, sewn books


One of the strongest binding solutions available for your next book project is the sewn binding. This is the very same binding used in countless textbooks, library collections, and other long-lasting texts. With sewn binding, the pages are literally sewn into the spine of the book. They are then reinforced with fabric backing and an adhesive. This style of adherence is exceptionally useful for a variety of reasons. We will be going over these reasons today. Care to take a look? Read more »


self-publishing Traditional publishing options, though snazzy, are often very difficult in terms of practicality and ownership. Suddenly, without proper attention to detail, your book no longer belongs to you. You may not be able to receive the compensation for your novel that you deserve. Today we’re going to be going over why self-publishing is highly beneficial. Ready to learn more? Let’s take a look. Read more »