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The Nation's Leader in Quality Book Binding
& Post Press Services Since 1985

2 Nashua Court, Baltimore, MD 21221


libraries Libraries are a wondrous place of literature, learning, and good old fashioned research. They are the places that many of us go when we need to rediscover our love for reading, though naysayers have been foretelling their end for decades. “Why would someone go to the library when they can download all the books they need right at home?” Well, the answer is simple: Libraries offer much more than simple books you can get on Amazon. They offer a whole host of rare and valuable materials.

Online research isn’t always the answer.

You can’t just download an entire database of newspaper articles. You cannot just download rare public documents. You may not even be able to find them on the world wide web. For research purposes, it can be impossible to find the resources that you need to uncover the secrets of the past. At the library, however, these resources are not only available, but well organized and easy to access. It Is for this reason that libraries will always be a center for public research. After all, a library is the “people’s university.”

Libraries are evolving with the times.

Physically going to your local library isn’t the only way to access its resources. In fact, there are online databases that you can utilize from any place with an internet connection. You can even borrow books using the online services as long as a digital copy is available. For those of you who do make the trip to the actual building, you will be happy to find progress at every turn. For example, the New York Public Library recently replaced their conveyor belt system with a much more efficient trolley system that can be seen in this link. This new system of delivery will premiere in the near future when the Rose Main Reading Room reopens.  However, it is important to note that progress doesn’t end there. Libraries offer a wide variety of services to stay relevant in a changing world. Things like community spaces for events, meeting places for companies, and offering programs of their own are all contemporary wonders to behold at your local libraries.

Advantage Book Binding can help you make your new book into a major success with binding solutions!

Advantage Book Binding can help you take your book project to new heights, taking into consideration budget requirements to provide you with the most cost-effective and project-specific solution for you. Please contact us today for more information, and keep up with us on FacebookGoogle +Twitter, and LinkedIn. We can provide you with options for hardback or paperback books.