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The Nation's Leader in Quality Book Binding
& Post Press Services Since 1985

2 Nashua Court, Baltimore, MD 21221


portfolio If you’re a photographer, or you hope to be one in the future, you need a portfolio to showcase your work. To create the perfect photography portfolio, you’ll need to pick out your strongest work and then figure out how to make those pieces even better. Today we’re going to be talking about how you can put together an amazing photography portfolio with incredible binding solutions. Let’s take a look.

It’s time to get to work!

Before you can select the best pieces for your portfolio, you have to have pieces to choose from. If you know that you need to put together a portfolio for any reason, or you want to revamp what you have, you should take some time to get some work done. Really put yourself out there and challenge yourself to create pieces you haven’t created before. After all, a portfolio isn’t only for your most perfect projects, it also serves as a showcase for your creative range. So, get creative and don’t be afraid to push yourself with new lens techniques or different types of exposure. That being said, you should also take the time to sharpen your more honed skillset. Make sure that your strengths are well-documented, especially if you’re also going to be showing some “reaching” pieces.

Choose a binding solution that compliments your work.

As a creative professional, your presentation begins the moment you first make contact. Not only that, but your entire portfolio presentation should be a visual showcase of your aesthetic and tastes. The binding of your portfolio, and the fact that it is bound in general, is part of creating that aesthetic.  Now, when you’re choosing a binding solution, you need to make sure that you are complimenting your personal style. For example, sophisticated portfolios may benefit from leather-bound or even Smyth-sewn bindings. However, something with a little more flair might work better with something link Japanese ribbon binding.  At the end of the day, what matters is that your whole portfolio from the content to the packaging should all be working in tandem.

Advantage Book Binding can help you make your new book into a major success with binding solutions!

Advantage Book Binding can help you take your book project to new heights, taking into consideration budget requirements to provide you with the most cost-effective and project-specific solution for you. Please contact us today for more information, and keep up with us on FacebookGoogle +Twitter, and LinkedIn. We can provide you with options for hardback or paperback books.