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self-published authors

Advice for Self-Published Authors: Crafting A Title

Even established and famous authors will occasionally struggle with a title for their book. Whether it is fiction or nonfiction, a book meant to appeal to as many readers as possible needs to have a catchy title. For self-published authors, that can be more difficult than at first glance. Here is some helpful advice for… Read more »

How Can Self-Published Authors Arrange Book Signings?

When independent musicians don’t have a label backing them, it can be hard for them to go on tour to support their music. For aspiring musicians, meeting fans and achieving fame are huge logistical challenges. Self-published authors are like performers who have not made their name yet. So how can they arrange events where they… Read more »

Helpful Tips for Generating More Book Reviews

Reviews are immensely valuable for any book to receive. A well-reviewed book can drive up sales and help propel a book to becoming a pop culture sensation. For self-published authors, getting glowing reviews can be even more beneficial. So if you’re a self-published author, what can you do to ensure positive word of mouth?

3 Print Preparation Tips for Self-Published Authors

Becoming a self-published author means following a long, often lonely road. But it doesn’t have to be! As we’ve discussed before, there are plenty of ways for self-published authors to engage with fellow writers, prospective readers, and publishers.  But once self-published authors have been accepted for mainstream publication, what happens next? Let’s take a closer… Read more »

Challenges That Self-Published Authors Have to Overcome

With the rise of the Internet, self-publishing has become a viable route to success for many authors. While many famous writers still follow the traditional path collaborating with agents, editors, publishers, and marketers, there is no denying publishing by yourself is an attractive option as well. However, self-published authors wear all of the hats during… Read more »