Are you working on a specialty print project that requires a finished product with non-standard dimensions? Advantage Book Binding can bind it. We know that different projects require a different kind of approach. That’s why we offer oblong case binding to fit any dimensions you need your print project to be. No matter what shape or size you need a hard cover book to be, our binders can handle the job. Learn more about our oblong case binding for specialty print projects in our blog!
Mechanical binding is one of the most widely used binding techniques for office-related print supplies. Think about some of the print supplies you have in your office: notebooks, calendars, agendas, and manuals. So many of these use mechanical binding because businesses have found that it’s the most practical all around solution for their office print supply needs. Why? Keep on reading to find out!
There’s something about old books that just gives them a certain appeal. Maybe it’s the smell of the book, the beautiful old hard cover, or the way the pages feel in your hands. Many people consider their old books to be prized possessions. As such, it’s important to know about proper book care.
Old books have probably seen better days, which is why it’s important not to handle them without regard for their age. Time can take its toll on a book, and while modern books are better designed to stand up to the tests of time, old books are more likely to become weaker. Fortunately, it’s not hard to learn the right book care methods to make sure that your old books have many more years left in them. In this week’s blog, we’ll talk about how to take care of your old books, but you should use these tips for new books too!
Looking for a great idea for your next creative book project? How about a custom leather book? Leather binding is a popular add-on for a variety of projects, and is easy to customize with your own personal touches. It’s great for projects that you start from scratch, but you can also use it to spruce up existing copies of books with a leather facelift. Learn more about all of the custom leather book options we offer at Advantage Book Binding in our blog!
Case binding, also known as hard cover binding, remains the most durable book binding and finishing solution out there. If your next project needs a housing that offers superior durability, as well as endless customization options for a professional finish, then case binding is the right solution for you. Case binding is used across a wide range of industries, and valued for its ability to offer a professional finish for any publishing project. With its combination of customization options, durability, and great looks, case-bound books offer an all-around great value. Learn more in our blog!

Has that cover on that old copy of your favorite book started falling apart? You don’t have to buy a new copy, just a new book cover! Advantage Book Binding can remove an old, worn out book cover and replace it with a brand new one that you create and customized! Learn more in our blog.
Ever wondered which city in the world has the most bookstores per capita? As it turns out, you’d have to go pretty far down south to get there. And we’re not talking about the southern United States. We’re talking about the Southern Hemisphere. That’s because Buenos Aires is the world capital of bookstores, according to the World Cities Cultural Forum. Learn more in this week’s blog!
A new study found that reading regularly to children enables them to better use their brain to process stories. Learn more about the study and what it found in our blog!

Sales of children’s books have seen significant growth over the past few years, and show no signs of slowing down any time soon. Amazingly, this trend is consistent across the world, with growth of the children’s book market being reported here in the U.S., across the pond in the U.K., and even as far away as China and Brazil. So what’s driving the growth and popularity of children’s books? Read on to find out!
Soft cover-bound books are arguably the most popular binding solution out there. Soft cover/paperback books can be bound quickly, in large quantities, and most importantly for any project, affordably. It’s no wonder then that so many of our clients across a wide variety of industries choose soft cover binding for their print projects. Learn more about some of the applications that soft cover binding is great for, as well as the various binding solutions available, in this week’s blog.