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A Spotlight on the Library of Congress

Libraries are storehouses of cultural artifacts and beacons of learning. Libraries aren’t only important for preserving books since they also help spread information. The Library of Congress was founded in the early days of the United States when the founders wanted to be sure they could access the same information they could from the Free… Read more »

Take a Trip to Some of These Famous Libraries

With Halloween about to happen later this week, there’s still time to get in on the spooky spirit. Some of the most famous books in literature are scary stories, whether they’re the works of Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King, or Shirley Jackson. Even after the holiday has ended, take a trip to some of these… Read more »

The Joy and Wonder of Libraries

  Libraries are a wondrous place of literature, learning, and good old fashioned research. They are the places that many of us go when we need to rediscover our love for reading, though naysayers have been foretelling their end for decades. “Why would someone go to the library when they can download all the books… Read more »