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custom books

Custom Educational Materials are Perfect for Teachers!

  Teachers pave the way for the future of our children and their creative, supportive, and amazing educational skills usually take their inspiration from written materials. Many teachers, however, like to incorporate their own creative spin on their lessons by expanding on the texts that have come before them. To really take their lesson plans… Read more »

The Resurgence of Coloring Books for Adults

  Coloring books are, for many of us, the cornerstone of a fond childhood memory. Whether we were scribbling with a favorite crayon or meticulously shading with colored pencils, coloring books provided a much needed activity in our youth. However, in recent years, coloring books have seen a huge resurgence for adults. Today we’re going… Read more »

Mirror Books Help Those With Muscular Weakness in Their Face

  Those who suffer from Bell’s Palsy often find themselves struggling to regain full use of their faces. Through the use of mirror books, patients can work on regaining motion in their facial muscles with regular physical therapy. How do these mirror books work? Read on and find out in today’s blog!

Give the Gift of Custom Books

With the holiday season in full swing, many gift givers are choosing custom books as a thoughtful and heartfelt gift for that special someone. But even after the holidays are over, custom books are still an ideal gift for any occasion. This week, we’ll talk about some ideas for custom book gifts for different occasions,… Read more »

Custom Books Make a Great Holiday Gift!

The holidays are here, which means it’s gift shopping time. If you’re looking for the perfect gift for your friend or family member, have you considered a custom book? Custom books are a great gift for that book lover who has a special place in your heart. Customize their favorite book to make it a… Read more »

Custom Books Make Great Holiday Gifts

It might be the middle of November, but before you know it the holidays will be here. If you’re looking for a new and unique gift idea for a friend or family member this holiday season, consider a custom book from Advantage Book Binding! We’ve got lots of great custom book options that make for… Read more »