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The Nation's Leader in Quality Book Binding
& Post Press Services Since 1985

2 Nashua Court, Baltimore, MD 21221


self-publishingSo, you want to write a book. That’s amazing. The first thing you need to do is pat yourself on the back because this is going to be a major undertaking. Writing a new book of any kind is a big deal, but you’re going to need some guidance to make sure that you are producing the best content that you can. Are you ready to learn about some awesome self-publishing tips for serious writers? Let’s take a look.

Don’t stop believing.

Now, this is a guide for serious writers, so the odds are that if you are reading this, then you are probably quite hard on yourself. Take a moment to be kind to yourself and your writing throughout the process of self-publishing. Yes, you want to be critical. Yes, you want to be disciplined. That doesn’t mean that you can’t give yourself a nice round of applause now and then. It will help to keep your motivated and feeling positive about your work, so make sure to be kind.

Find people who push you.

Tackling a book all by yourself can be grueling, but friends can help make the experience a thousand times better. Not only can they help you see your value, but they can also lend fresh eyes to your project both while you’re writing and then throughout the self-publishing process. Marketing and finding the right binding for your new book can be a highly stressful adventure, but the help of friends will ease the burden.

Make realistic expectations for your self-publishing experience.

If you’re here to make a lot of money, then you should probably stop right now. Self-publishing is not the industry to get into if you are looking to make a lot of money very easily. This is a place to grow was a writer and make a name for yourself with lots of hard work, patience, and clever marketing.

Write, edit, edit, and then edit again.

Let’s say that you’ve finished your novel. Well done. This is only your first draft. You need to go through and edit it once, then again, and then about ten more times. This may seem excessive, but it really isn’t. It’s the only way to polish your work and make it into the best book you can.

Advantage Book Binding can help you make your new book into a major success with binding!

Advantage Book Binding can help you take your book project to new heights, taking into consideration budget requirements to provide you with the most cost-effective and project-specific solution for you. Please contact us today for more information, and keep up with us on FacebookGoogle +Twitter, and LinkedIn. We can provide you with options for hardback or paperback books.