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It’s no secret that it can be hard to get your kids excited about reading. This is especially true now that school’s out. Kids associate reading with school and homework, two things which by now are long gone in their minds. Nevertheless, it’s important to get your kids interested in reading, and the earlier the better. With this in mind, we’re going to use this week’s blog to talk about a few tips you can try to get your young readers more excited about cracking the pages of a new book. Don’t forget to check out our related blog from last week, 4 Ways to Make Summer Reading Fun.


Young readers at the library.

Young Readers: 4 Tips for Getting Your Kids More Interested in Reading

Find books about things they’re obsessed about.

When kids develop an interest, it usually turns into an obsession. You probably remember being obsessed with a certain topic when you were a kid, and it’s likely your children have a few obsessions of their own. So go ahead and feed their obsession with books! If your young reader is already interested in a topic, they’re more likely to read a book about it. Whether they’re obsessed with birds, baseball, or music, get them a book on the subject and they’ll read it.

Find tie-ins to their favorite movies and TV shows.

Lots of people lament the fact that kids these days are obsessed with their screens. Whether it’s watching a TV show or playing a video game, there’s no doubt that kids love their entertainment. But actually, these things can provide a perfect segue into reading. Get your child the book version of their favorite movie, for example. It might not be long before they’re saying, “The book was better than the movie!”

Find books by or about their heroes.

Do you remember your childhood heroes? Whether they were sports figures, actors, or adventurers, you probably read anything you could find to learn everything you could about them. Find a book about your child’s hero, and soon they’ll be asking you if there are any more for them to read!

Lead by example.

Kids look up to their parents for everything, which is why parents need to lead by example. If you’re not reading, it’s going to be harder to convince your children why they should do it. So put down the computer and pick up a book, and let your kids see you doing it. Go the extra mile by talking about what you’re reading, and ask your kids about what they’re reading. Taking an interest in what they’re doing will go a long way to inspiring your young readers.

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