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The Nation's Leader in Quality Book Binding
& Post Press Services Since 1985

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Many people begin the New Year with a resolution to do more reading. At Advantage Book Binding, we wholly support this mission! Whether you prefer reading physical books or checking out new novels on your tablet or e-Reader, all reading is good reading. To encourage you to read more in 2016, we’ve compiled a list of a few of our favorite book challenges that will help you read more consistently, broadly, and enjoyably.



Goodreads Challenge

The challenge at Goodreads is pretty basic: All you have to do is choose how many books you’re aiming to read throughout the course of the year and then log all of your progress on their site. Goodreads is also an excellent resource for finding new and exciting books, and to keep tabs on how much your friends are reading too.

Bustle Reading Challenge

When was the last time you read a book that was written by a woman? What about an author who wasn’t Caucasian? For many, it’s easy to fall into a habit of reading books written by authors who fit into a specific category: White men. The #BustleReads challenge is meant to help readers break out of this habit. They’ve compiled an excellent list of books written by women and people of color. If you want to expand your reading repertoire, this is the challenge for you.

The Popsugar Ultimate Reading Challenge

This reading challenge is a whole lot more challenging than the others on this list. You’re expected to read 40 books over the course of the year, but the website keeps it fun by offering broad categories that can be completed in a way that you enjoy. When was the last time you read a book with a blue cover or that was more than 100 years older than you? This option feels equally like a reading challenge and scavenger hunt.

Book Riot Reading Challenge

Book Riot’s Read Harder challenge is meant to give you the opportunity to step outside of your reading comfort zone and explore genres, topics, and authors you wouldn’t otherwise choose. If you’re eager to really flex your brain and expose yourself to new ideas, this is a great challenge to take on in 2016.

Happy reading!

Advantage Book Binding

Advantage Book Binding can help you take your book binding project to a new level, taking into consideration budget requirements to provide you with the most cost-effective and project-specific solution for you. Please contact us today for more information, and keep up with us on FacebookGoogle +Twitter, and LinkedIn.