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A woman looking out at a skyline. Are you a fledgling architect or a seasoned veteran in the field? Odds are that you might be in the market for a new portfolio so that you can show potential clients or employers just how much you know about creating a beautiful building. Before you can show them how amazing your architectural skills are, you need to show them that you’ve completed in the past with a beautifully bound portfolio. Today we’re going to be sharing some insights on putting together the best portfolio you can. Read more »


A couple looking at a menu together. Maintaining a successful restaurant requires a lot of moving parts. You need great food, an efficient staff, and a good location to keep people coming back again and again. One of the most important elements of your restaurant that often goes overlooked is the menu design. A beautifully designed and bound menu is going to help set the tone for a pleasant dining experience. Today we’re going to go over some of the questions that you should be asking yourself before you put together the perfect menu design. Let’s dive in! Read more »



a hard cover book laying flat A new year means a new goal!  Many people celebrate the end of the year, or the beginning of a new one, with the creation of a book.  Whether it’s a yearbook, a novel you’ve been working on, or an art book to display your creations, having a physical copy of your memories and talent is more rewarding than a gym membership by far.  And if you’re going to invest in having a book bound, especially for something celebratory, you should have a hard cover binding.  Here’s why you should always go the extra mile in order to treat yourself after this turbulent year.

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A woman in a santa hat. The holiday season is also known as the season of giving.  It’s a time of year where we all come together to express our affection for one another in the form of a small gift. By giving gifts that are personalized and specific, we can show our loved ones that we’ve been paying attention to them and that we truly care. Today we’re going to take you through some of the hottest gifts for the book-lovers in your life. Let’s dive in! Read more »

memory book

A memory book can make a wonderful gift for your family this holiday season.

There are many ways to spread the joy of the holidays with your loved ones, but one of the best ways is through the use of a memory book. A memory book is a collection of photographs, stories, writing, and anything else you can think of that will remind your loved ones of the amazing times you’ve had together over the years. Today we’re going to be getting into the process of gathering your content and picking out the perfect vehicle for your memory book. Read more »


A gift book with a bowThere is nothing quite like the holiday season. Between snuggle-inducing weather and the sense of good cheer in the air, it’s hard to beat the end of the year. Now, one part of the holiday season is showing the people around you that you care for them in the form of a gift. Though you could choose to give them a gift-card to Amazon, you may wish to offer something infinitely more personal; the gift of a custom book. Today we’re going to be taking a look at what a custom book can say to your loved ones this holiday season. Read more »


A couple using a custom book to see a house listingSelling a beautiful, multi-million dollar home often requires a little extra flair. Potential buyers are looking for the classy luxury that the listing provides in every step of the buying process. If you’re looking for an elegant way to take your real estate listing to the next level, consider a custom book binding solution to create a beautiful photographic portfolio. Read more »


A woman reading a bible. Bibles are often much more than books that we keep in our homes. They are a part of our family’s history and, in many cases, they have been passed down through the generations to preserve the memories of those who have been with us over the years. If you have a family bible that has been handed down for many years, then it may be in disrepair. Rather than worrying about whether or not it will last another fifty years, you can have it repaired and restored. Read more »