Print Books are Still Preferred over E-books
While the number of e-book users has risen in recent years, Americans still prefer their books in print form by a wide margin. According to a report released by the Pew Center for Research, 69% of Americans read at least one print book last year, compared to 28% who read an e-book. In fact, the number of Americans who read a print book actually increased by 4 percentage points from 2012-2013.
In addition, while 32% of Americans own an e-reader device, only 4% do all of their reading exclusively on these devices. Just over half (57%) of e-reader owners use their device for reading, and about the same number of tablet owners (55%) use their tablet for reading. All in all, 76% of Americans read a book at some point in the past 12 months, which was a slight jump from 2012, when 74% read at least one book. According to the report, “Though e-books are rising in popularity, print remains the foundation of Americans’ reading habits.”

Advantage Book Binding has been in the book binding business since 1985, when we were founded on the principle “we do a quality book on time.” Since then we’ve seen plenty of changes both in and out of the industry. While some have sounded the death knell for books and other physical media, we believe that the fact that we continue to be an industry leader into the 21st century is a testament not only to our longevity as a company but to that of our craft. We think it’s important to keep books and physical media on the shelves, which is why we dedicate ourselves to providing you with the highest quality book binding and post press services available.
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