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The Nation's Leader in Quality Book Binding
& Post Press Services Since 1985

2 Nashua Court, Baltimore, MD 21221


Group of young people with Chinese architecture in background, portrait.Folks are claiming that millennials don’t read like other generations and that when they do, they only read e-books. Though many millennials do certainly take advantage of the benefits that eBooks can offer, they’re actually out-reading older generations. According to the Atlantic, “Some 88 percent of Americans younger than 30 said they read a book in the past year compared with 79 percent of those older than 30.” This statistic should give you hope that print books aren’t going anywhere at all. Libraries, on the other hand, are changing. Let’s take a look at what’s happening.

Millennials like to buy books.

No one can truly say that literature doesn’t play a role in society and our changing future. The written word is as relevant as ever and millennials are taking part. Publishing companies are actually seeking to keep the millennial audience hooked by providing them with “New Adult” novels geared towards people in their mid-20’s. Now, not only do millennials like to read, they also like to buy books. They account for about 30% of the overall, according to Good.is. They said, “According to the 2012 U.S. Book Consumer Demographics and Buying Behaviors Annual Review, if you were born between 1979 and 1989, you spent more money on books in 2011 than older Americans. The survey found that millennials now buy 30 percent of books.” It’s statistics like these that defeat the idea that millennials are only interested in Instagram; they’re actually a key audience to consider as you think about putting together your next book.

How will libraries change as millennials continue to affect the literary market?

So, millennials like to buy books, but they don’t borrow them quite like other generations do. Rather than going to the library with the intent of picking up something new to read, they tend to see the library as a place where people can receive important community services. The institution itself is more important than the books within it. So, whether you’re an author or a publisher, you should always keep your ear to the ground on what’s happening with literature, literacy, and books in the modern world!

Advantage Book Binding can help you create the printed book you’ve always wanted!

Are you interested in having a bound novel?  Are you entering the workforce, interested in a bound portfolio to showcase your work?  Advantage Book Binding offers plenty of services and binding types that are perfect for suiting your needs. We also offer specialty binding options for those of you looking for something extra special.

Advantage Book Binding can advise you as to what kind of binding style will work best for your specific project, taking into consideration budget requirements to provide you with the most cost-effective and project-specific solution for you. Please contact us today for more information, and keep up with us on FacebookGoogle +Twitter, and LinkedIn.