Stitch Binding is Great for Creative Book Projects
Stitch binding is a binding technique commonly used to repair old paperback books. However, it can also be used for tons of fun creative book projects. Learn more about stitch binding as well as some project ideas in our blog!

Stitch Binding
Stitch binding is the practice of taking a strong thread or twine and using it to bind a collection of loose leaves and either a hard or soft cover. Bindings can be simple or more elaborate, as you’ll see in the photos below. These are a few examples of stitch binding projects we’ve done recently. Note that there’s very little evidence of the thread on the inside of the pages, which keeps them clean for whatever you want to use them for.

Stitch Binding Projects
Stitch binding has a creative, informal look that we find works great for artistic projects. Here are a few examples of book projects that work well with stitch binding.

Cut and paste to your heart’s delight with your own personalized stitch-bound scrapbook. Stitch binding gives any scrap book the homemade-aesthetic it really needs. Except, this scrapbook is made at our book binding facility, which means you get the quality control that ensures it will last for a long time. We offer plenty of customization options to go along with stitch binding, so you can personalize your scrapbook and really make it your own.
Another great use for stitch binding is with sketchpads. The creative aesthetic of stitching and twine will inspire your sketches and keep them held firmly together. Get creative with the cover too!
Recipe Books
Do you have recipes lying all over the place? Collect your favorite ones and turn them into a book that you designed! One good idea with recipe books is laminated pages so if a little bit of that sauce you’re cooking up gets on a page, you can wipe it off with ease.
Stitch-bound handmade books are always a thoughtful gift. If you have a friend or loved one with a birthday coming up, considering making them their own scrapbook or photo album! Custom books allow you to get creative with gift giving.
To learn more about stitch binding and other custom books, contact us today!