Determining Book Formats and Printing Sizes

Once your book has been chosen for publication, it can either be issued as a hardback or a paperback. Those book formats have different sizes associated with them.
What format will your next book be in? Even with the rise of e-readers and the popularity of digital media, there are still millions of books produced and millions sold every year. Once your book has been chosen for publication, it can either be issued as a hardback or a paperback. Those book formats have different sizes associated with them.
Determining The Trim Size
It is essential to understand the term trim size itself. This term is industry lingo for the size of the book. Once a book has been printed and is successfully bound, it needs to be trimmed. For the trimming process to work correctly, it needs properly-placed crop marks. The trim size has a massive effect on how your book is presented. Book formats also determine how many pages you will need and how thick the spine will need to be.
Choosing Trim Size
With a longer manuscript, you will want to have a larger trim size. This means that you won’t need to have as many pages, which can make your book more welcoming to reluctant readers. The same idea applies to a shorter manuscript, because a smaller trim will make the book look longer than it actually is. You will also need to think about the genre of the book, because books in different genres will, by convention, look quite different from one another. That is another factor that needs to be accounted for when it comes to determining the book formats that are used.
Book Formats
Three of the most common book types are mass market paperbacks, trade paperbacks, and hardcover. However, there are many other types, and depending on your needs, you can work with us to get your custom book designed, printed, and bound.
Mass Market: These paperbacks are also called pocket books. They are much easier to produce and don’t take as long to create. They are also perfect-bound, which make them easy to carry around and read while on the go.
Trade Paperback: Trade paperbacks are the most common type of book, and these are the ones you would most often encounter in a bookstore.
Hardcover: Whenever a book is first released, they are typically done in hardcover, which is seen as the more prestigious format.
Advantage Book Binding Can Help You Create the Printed Book You’ve Always Wanted!
Are you interested in having a bound novel? Are you entering the workforce, and need a bound portfolio to showcase your work? Advantage Book Binding offers plenty of services and binding types that are perfect for suiting your needs. We also offer specialty binding options for those of you looking for something extra special.
Advantage Book Binding can advise you as to what kind of binding style will work best for your specific project, taking into consideration budget requirements to provide you with the most cost-effective and project-specific solution for you. Please contact us today for more information, and keep up with us on Facebook, Google +, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Also, don’t hesitate to visit us at our Baltimore headquarters.