How Are Wire and Spiral Binding Different?

When it comes to binding books, there are several different techniques that you can use. Wire and spiral binding are just two of those techniques.
When it comes to binding books, there are several different techniques that you can use. Wire and spiral binding are just two of those techniques. However, if you are an author seeking self-publication or traditional publication, you might be wondering, how are they different? Let’s investigate the difference.
Wire Binding
Wire binding is more commonly known as wire-o binding. There are two main styles of wire binding – double loop wire binding and wire comb binding. When you choose wire binding, you can have wires designed in a variety of colors and lengths. Wire color and wire length both depend on what your needs for the project are. Wire binding comes across as much more professional than spiral binding does, so if you need your project for an important meeting or presentation of some sort, you should choose wire binding. When you select wire-o binding, you can also be sure that the book will lay flat. If you are looking to save money, wire binding, particularly wire-o binding, can be an excellent way to achieve great results.
Spiral Binding
Although the two styles are highly similar, spiral binding works differently than wire binding.The edges of the papers waiting to be bound have holes punched in them, into which the spiral is inserted. The spirals themselves come in many different colors to give you more choices. However, if you plan on choosing spiral binding, there are some constraints to keep in mind: how thick the projects are and how often they will be used. For instance, spiral binding is best used on projects that are no more than three hundred pages. If the projects you need bound are going to be referred to on a regular basis, spiral binding can be a smart choice. After all, manuals, catalogs, and booklets might need to be checked and rechecked, so a sturdy binding is necessary to withstand all of that use. When you choose plastic coil spiral binding, you can rest assured that the book will last, is resistant to being crushed, and looks pleasing to the eye as well.
The Difference Between Them
The main difference is the type of binding material that is used. Spiral binding typically uses plastic. Wire binding on the other hand typically uses metal. In general, the type of binding that is needed comes down to the purpose of the final product. A product that is going to be used sparingly, or for some highly formalized and incidental purpose, can afford to be more fragile. However, a product that will be seeing nearly-daily use will probably encounter much more damage and wear out far more quickly.
Advantage Book Binding Can Help You Create the Printed Book You’ve Always Wanted!
Are you interested in having a bound novel? Are you entering the workforce, interested in a bound portfolio to showcase your work? Advantage Book Binding offers plenty of services and binding types that are perfect for suiting your needs. We also offer specialty binding options for those of you looking for something extra special.
Advantage Book Binding can advise you as to what kind of binding style will work best for your specific project, taking into consideration budget requirements to provide you with the most cost-effective and project-specific solution for you. Please contact us today for more information, and keep up with us on Facebook, Google +, Twitter, and LinkedIn.