Perfect Binding: A Cost Effective Book Binding Solution
Paperback books are one of the most versatile book designs about there. Their light weight makes paperbacks easily portable for reading on the go. Perfect binding, the process by which soft cover / paperback books are made, is a great binding solution for a variety of different projects. Perfect binding creates a durable and professional product that will accommodate all of your needs. With so many different perfect binding styles available, it’s easy to find a binding technique that fits the needs of your project. Learn more about perfect binding and its applications in our blog!

How Perfect Binding Works
First, a book block is assembled using pre-collated and pre-cut loose sheets. The pages are bonded with hot melt EVA or PUR glues, with which the cover is also applied. The process is simple, fast, and efficient, allowing for large production runs in a short amount of time. There are a number of different perfect binding techniques that expand on this basic framework.
PUR Binding
PUR (polyurethane reactive) glue is the most flexible and durable adhesive used in book binding. This combination creates a book that can stand up to bending and folding without spine cracking or page pulls. PUR binding also allows the book to lay flat. This binding style is great for digital printing because it can handle a variety of printed stocks and inks.
Notch Perfect Binding
This binding technique adds a little extra strength to the bind. Signatures are notched, which allows the glue to penetrate through the notches, which creates a stronger bind.
Smyth Sewn Glue-On Cover Binding
Signatures are sewn together using the Smyth sewing technique. This is ideal for paperback books that will see heavy usage. Books can be laid flat and bent back for placement on a copy machine. A highly durable perfect binding technique.
Applications for Perfect Binding
Perfect binding is ideal for lots of different projects, such as:
- Corporate annual reports
- Brochures
- Manuals
- Non-fiction and fiction
- Graphic novels
- Yearbooks
- Technical manuals
- Directories
- Instruction books
- Reference pieces
- Cookbooks
- And more!
To learn more about perfect binding, contact Advantage Book Binding today. Advantage Book Binding can help you take your book binding project to a new level, taking into consideration budget requirements to provide you with the most cost-effective and project-specific solution for you. Please contact us today for more information, and keep up with us on Facebook, Google +, Twitter, and LinkedIn.