Hard Cover Binding from Advantage Book Binding
Hard cover binding, also known as case binding, is used for all kinds of books. From children’s books and coffee table books, to law books and medical books, hard cover binding is widely used. This is in no small part due to the strength of the various case binding techniques, which makes hard cover books the most durable and long-lasting books available. The ability to customize hard cover books is another reason case binding is so popular. Everything from the cover’s material (leather, fabric, etc.) to finishing techniques (embossing, foil stamping, printed dust jackets) is customizable, making hard cover books great for just about any application.
So how does case binding work. Basically, a block of pre-collated, pre-cut loose sheets can be either adhesive bound into a book block or gathered and sewn together along the spine. We offer the following case binding techniques:
Smyth sewn hard cover books
This case binding technique involves sewing thread through the backfold of a signature at the spine and repeating this individually for each signature. This is the strongest and most durable of any book binding technique, and also results in a book that lays flat.
Adhesive bound hard cover books
This technique also involves perfect binding. Signatures or loose leaves book blocks are cased with a hard cover and bound with a strong adhesive.
Fully concealed wire-bound hardback books
This takes the Wire-O binding technique and hides the wire in a hard case binding. Because the wire is protected in the binding, it results in a much more durable book.
Check out our additional services page for more information on all of the customization options for hard cover books!

Advantage Book Binding has been in the book binding business since 1985, when we were founded on the principle “we do a quality book on time.” Since then we’ve seen plenty of changes both in and out of the industry. While some have sounded the death knell for books and other physical media, we believe that the fact that we continue to be an industry leader into the 21st century is a testament not only to our longevity as a company but to that of our craft. We think it’s important to keep books and physical media on the shelves, which is why we dedicate ourselves to providing you with the highest quality book binding and post press services available.
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